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2019-03-17 23:45:48 -05:00
# Adapted from https://gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671#gistcomment-91515
raf = window.requestAnimationFrame
caf = window.cancelAnimationFrame
w = window
for vendor in ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']
break if raf
raf = w["#{vendor}RequestAnimationFrame"]
caf = (
w["#{vendor}CancelAnimationFrame"] or
# rAF is built in but cAF is not.
if raf and not caf
browserRaf = raf
canceled = {}
raf = (fn) -> id = browserRaf (time) ->
return fn time unless id of canceled
delete canceled[id]
caf = (id) -> canceled[id] = true
# Handle legacy browsers which dont implement rAF
unless raf
targetTime = 0
raf = (fn) ->
targetTime = Math.max targetTime + 16, currentTime = +new Date
w.setTimeout (-> fn +new Date), targetTime - currentTime
caf = (id) -> clearTimeout id
export requestAnimationFrame = raf
export cancelAnimationFrame = caf
# setInterval, but for animations. :)
said = 1
handles = {}
export setAnimation = (fn) ->
id = said++
handles[id] = raf ifn = do (id) -> (time) ->
return unless handles[id]?
fn time
handles[id] = raf ifn
return id
export clearAnimation = (id) ->
caf handles[id]
delete handles[id]