# TODO - ✔ Remove dependency on decorators - ✔ Synchronized should be a mixin - ✔ Behavior items should derive type/name - ✔ Precompile behavior traversals - ✔ Abstract physics world tick optimizations - ✔ Cache current routine for Behaved tick - ✔ Apply patches to matter.js ( https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+author%3Abchevalier ) - ✔ Inline traits into entity, remove Proxy - ✔ Eliminate immutable.toJS() - ✔ Track dirty entity state (entityList.tick()) - ✔ Investigate visibleEntities path - ✔ Investigate lookupEmitListeners path - ✔ Investigate visibleBoundingBoxes path - ✔ EventEmitter::emit is too hot - ❌ entityList.fromJSON() - ❌ Socket WebWorker can't connect in Firefox - ❌ Transients