import {Rectangle, Vector, Vertice} from '@avocado/math'; import {Shape} from './shape'; export class PolygonShape extends Shape { constructor() { super(); this._translatedVertices = []; this._vertices = []; this.on([ 'parentOriginChanged', 'parentRotationChanged', 'parentScaleChanged', 'originChanged', 'rotationChanged', 'scaleChanged', 'verticesChanged', ], this.onRecalculateVertices, this); } destroy() { super.destroy();[ 'parentOriginChanged', 'parentRotationChanged', 'parentScaleChanged', 'originChanged', 'rotationChanged', 'scaleChanged', 'verticesChanged', ], this.onRecalculateVertices); } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const vertice of this._translatedVertices) { yield vertice; } } get aabb() { if (0 === this._vertices.length) { return [0, 0, 0, 0]; } const min = [Infinity, Infinity]; const max = [-Infinity, -Infinity]; for (const vertice of this._translatedVertices) { min[0] = vertice[0] < min[0] ? vertice[0] : min[0]; min[1] = vertice[1] < min[1] ? vertice[1] : min[1]; max[0] = vertice[0] > max[0] ? vertice[0] : max[0]; max[1] = vertice[1] > max[1] ? vertice[1] : max[1]; } return Rectangle.translated( [min[0], min[1], max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1]], this.position ); } fromJSON(json) { super.fromJSON(json); if (json.vertices) { this.vertices = json.vertices; } return this; } onRecalculateVertices() { const parentOrigin = this.parent ? this.parent.origin : [0, 0]; const origin = Vector.add(this.origin, parentOrigin); const parentRotation = this.parent ? this.parent.rotation : 0; const rotation = this.rotation + parentRotation; const parentScale = this.parent ? this.parent.scale : 1; const scale = this.scale * parentScale; this._translatedVertices = => { return Vertice.translate(vertice, origin, rotation, scale); }); this.emit('aabbChanged'); } get vertices() { return this._vertices; } set vertices(vertices) { this._vertices = [...vertices]; this.emit('verticesChanged'); } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), type: 'polygon', vertices: [...this._vertices] } } }