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fix: array size byte offset
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src fix: array size byte offset 2024-12-08 23:13:56 -06:00
.eslintrc.cjs feat: (u)int64 2024-11-26 19:10:20 -06:00
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.release-please-manifest.json chore(master): release crunches 2.0.3 (#15) 2024-12-08 23:13:56 -06:00
benchmark.js fix: benchmark 2024-12-02 06:17:15 -06:00
CHANGELOG.md chore(master): release crunches 2.0.3 (#15) 2024-12-08 23:13:56 -06:00
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package.json chore(master): release crunches 2.0.3 (#15) 2024-12-08 23:13:56 -06:00
README.md chore: doc 2024-12-02 05:41:21 -06:00
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crunches 💪

The smallest and fastest JavaScript web standards-compliant value serialization library in the wild. 3.59 kB gzipped; 0 dependencies. Efficiently encode and decode your values to and from ArrayBuffers. Integrates very well with WebSockets.


import {Schema} from 'crunches';

const playerSchema = new Schema({
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    position: {
      type: 'array',
      element: {type: 'float32'},
      length: 3,
    health: {type: 'varuint'},
    jumping: {type: 'bool'},
    attributes: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        str: {type: 'uint8'},
        agi: {type: 'uint8'},
        int: {type: 'uint8'},

On the server:

const player = {
  position: [-540.2378623, 343.183749, 1201.23897468],
  health: 4000,
  jumping: false,
  attributes: {str: 87, agi: 42, int: 22},

// encode the value to a new `DataView`
const view = playerSchema.encode(player);
// use some socket library to send the binary data...
socket.emit('player-data', view);

On the client:

// use some socket library to receive the binary data...
socket.on('player-data', (buffer) => {
  const player = playerSchema.decode(buffer);

In this example, the size of payload is only 18 bytes. JSON.stringify would consume 124 bytes.

Allocating a buffer and view

There is a convenience method which will allocate a view over a buffer sized to hold your value.

// create a view for our value
const view = playerSchema.allocate(player);
// pass the view to the encoder
playerSchema.encodeInto(player, view);

It can be useful for performance reasons to reuse your buffers.

This is sugar over the following:

// get the schema size
const size = playerSchema.size(player);
// allocate a buffer
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size);
// create a view over the buffer
const view = new DataView(buffer);
// pass the view to the encoder
playerSchema.encodeInto(player, view);

You may encodeInto a view over any existing ArrayBuffer provided that it's large enough to contain the encoded payload.

Primitive types

Type Name Bytes Range of Values
bool (alias: boolean) 1 (worst case, see boolean coalescence) Truthy values are coerced to true; falsy values to false
int8 1 -128 to 127
uint8 1 0 to 255
int16 2 -32,768 to 32,767
uint16 2 0 to 65,535
int32 4 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
uint32 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
int64 8 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

NOTE: Only accepts and decodes to BigInts.
uint64 8 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

NOTE: Only accepts and decodes to BigInts.
float32 4 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits)
float64 8 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits)
string Prefix followed by the encoded string bytes Any string
buffer Prefix followed by the bytes of the buffer Any ArrayBuffer

NOTE: Decodes to a DataView.

See: buffers and arrays.
0 to 562,949,953,421,311
-281,474,976,710,656 to 281,474,976,710,655
date Same as string above after calling toIsoString Value is coerced to Date e.g. new Date(value).toIsoString()

Aggregate types


Requires a properties key to define the properties on the object. Supports optional fields. Booleans are coalesced.


const schema = new Schema({
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    foo: {type: 'uint32'},
    bar: {type: 'string', optional: true},

// 14 = uint32 (4) + optional flag (1) + string prefix (4) + 'hello' (5)
console.log(schema.size({foo: 32, bar: 'hello'}));
// 5 = uint32 (4) + optional flag (1)
console.log(schema.size({foo: 32}));


Requires an element key to define the structure of the array elements. Encodes a 32-bit prefix followed by the contents of the array.

const schema = new Schema({
  type: 'array',
  element: {type: 'uint32'},

// 16 = array prefix (4) + uint32 (4) + uint32 (4) + uint32 (4)
console.log(schema.size([1, 2, 3]));

Arrays of number types decode to the corresponding TypedArray.

Fixed-length arrays

Arrays may be specified as fixed-length through the length key.

const schema = new Schema({
  type: 'array',
  element: {type: 'uint32'},
  length: 3,

// 12 = uint32 (4) + uint32 (4) + uint32 (4)
console.log(schema.size([1, 2, 3]));

No prefix is written, saving 4 bytes!


Requires a key and value key to define the structure of the map. Any iterable will be coerced as entries. Encoded as an array of entries. Decodes to a native Map object.

const schema = new Schema({
  type: 'map',
  key: {type: 'int32'},
  value: {type: 'string'},

const value = new Map();
value.set(32, 'sup');
value.set(64, 'hi');

// 25 = array prefix (4) + int32 (4) + string prefix (4) + 'sup' (3) + int32 (4) + string prefix (4) + 'hi' (2)
// same, with coercion
console.log(schema.size([[32, 'sup'], [64, 'hi']]));


Requires an element key to define the structure of the map. Any iterable will be coerced. Encoded as an array. Decodes to a native Set object.

const schema = new Schema({
  type: 'set',
  element: {type: 'string'},

const set = new Set();

// 18 = array prefix (4) + string prefix (4) + 'foo' (3) + string prefix (4) + 'bar' (3)
// same, with coercion
console.log(schema.size(['foo', 'bar']));

🔥 features

Boolean coalescence

Any computer scientist worth their salt secretly wonders whether their bool type actually takes a single bit of space. The crunches answer is: ideally, yes!

The reason it's not an unequivocal "yes" is because there is no actual bit-width primitive when dealing with DataViews in JavaScript. However, boolean fields are packed as much as possible.

In other words, if you have an object with 2 boolean fields, the object itself will encode to 1 byte! This is the case all the way up to 8 boolean fields. If you add another, the object encodes to 2 bytes, up until you have more than 16 boolean fields!

More concretely, packing boolean fields takes

Math.ceil(numberOfBooleanFields / 8)

bytes of space.

Optional fields

An object schema blueprint may specify an optional attribute on its fields. If the value is undefined upon encoding, the field will be encoded as not present. Upon decoding, the presence flag is checked and if the value is not present, the value decoding will be skipped and undefined will be returned as the decoded value.

This is a great alternative for rolling updates to a monolithic state, which would otherwise have to be individually defined for every discrete slice of state that could update.

Using the original example with all optional fields:

const stateSchema = new Schema({
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    position: {
      type: 'array',
      element: {type: 'float32'},
      length: 3,
      optional: true,
    health: {type: 'varuint', optional: true},
    jumping: {type: 'bool', optional: true},
    attributes: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        str: {type: 'uint8'},
        agi: {type: 'uint8'},
        int: {type: 'uint8'},
      optional: true,

if we were to check the size of a completely blank update:


We will see that the size is 1 byte! It literally doesn't get better than that. How is it only one byte when we have 4 optional fields? Well,

Optional field coalescence

The same packing as for booleans occurs when encoding the presence of optional fields on an object. Each optional field ideally takes a single bit to encode its presence value. In other words, if you have an object with up to 8 optional fields, the presence encoding only takes 1 byte!

More concretely, packing optional flags takes

Math.ceil(numberOfOptionalFields / 8)

bytes of space.


You may define your own codecs that handle encoding and decoding values. There is no base Codec class to inherit from, but your codec must implement an interface (quack quack):

class YourCodec {

  // return the value
  decode(view: DataView, target: {byteOffset: number}): any

  // return the number of bytes written
  encode(value: any, view: DataView, byteOffset: number): number

  // get the encoded size of a value; accept an offset to calculate any relevant padding necessary
  size(value: any, byteOffset: number): number


The following is how the date codec is actually implemented with slight adjustment for demonstration purposes. It serves as an example of how you can easily extend the primitive codecs to suit your needs:

import {Codecs} from 'crunches';

// will coerce strings to `Date`s
class MyDateCodec extends Codecs.string {

  decode(view, target) {
    // let the `string` codec decode the string
    const decoded = super.decode(view, target);
    // pass it to the `Date` constructor
    return new Date(decoded);

  encode(value, view, byteOffset) {
    // convert it to a string
    const converted = new Date(value).toISOString();
    // pass it along to the `string` codec's encode method
    return super.encode(converted, view, byteOffset);

  size(value) {
    // convert it to a string
    const converted = new Date(value).toISOString();
    // pass it along to the `string` codec's size method
    return super.size(converted);


Codecs.myDate = MyDateCodec;

All this codec does is coerce Dates to and from strings. It leans on the built-in string codec to handle the actual over-the-wire encoding and string size calculation.

Inside your codec, you must increment target.byteOffset as you decode bytes.

Just set a key on the Codecs object and go. Too easy!

Type aliases

You may add type aliases:

import {Aliases, Schema} from 'crunches';

Aliases.foobar = 'bool';

const schema = new Schema({
  type: 'foobar',

console.log(schema.size()); // 1, because it's a bool


SchemaPack (huge respect from and inspiration for this library! ❤️) is great for packing objects into Node buffers. Over time, this approach has become outdated in favor of modern standards like ArrayBuffer.

It is also frequently desirable to preallocate and reuse buffers for performance reasons. SchemaPack always allocates new buffers when encoding. The performance hit is generally less than the naive case since Node is good about buffer pooling, but performance degrades in the browser (and doesn't exist on any other platform). Buffer reuse is the Correct Way™. We also apply even more optimizations of buffers and arrays.

I also wanted an implementation that does amazing things like boolean coalescence and optional fields (also with coalescence) as well as supporting more even more types like Maps, Sets, Dates, etc.

Notable differences from SchemaPack

Monomorphic arrays

When defining arrays, the elements are all the same type. There is no mixing of types. If you need this, you should probably be using an array of objects (which themselves maybe contain arrays).

No validation

No validation is done on the values you encode. If you'd like to validate your values, try something like Zod.

Blueprint verbosity

Defining schema blueprints are slightly more verbose than SchemaPack. The tradeoff is that we're able to define more aggregate types like Set, Map, fixed-length arrays, optional varuint prefixes, and have made space for even more in the future.

Varint expansion

SchemaPack's varint types only work up to 2^{30}-1 whereas crunches uses mathematical transformations (instead of bitwise) to allow numbers up to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. In practice, due to sacrificing space for the length flags, this is 2^{48}-1. Same goes for varuint: 2^{31}-1 vs. 2^{49}-1.

Varuint prefixes

SchemaPack uses varuint prefixes for arrays, buffers, and strings. For speed, crunches uses 32-bit prefixes by default. A varuint prefix may be used for buffers and strings by providing a varuint key in the schema blueprint:

const schema = new Schema({
  type: 'string',
  varuint: true,
// 6 = varuint prefix (1) + 'hello' (5)

NOTE: Strings may use one extra byte to encode the prefix than necessary. This is because string.length * 3 is used to calculate the width of the varuint prefix. This expression will most likely overestimate the space required to store the string. One byte of space in certain cases is a better tradeoff than the space/time complexity required to calculate the true size in a performant way.

Arrays always use a 32-bit prefix and may not specify a varuint prefix. This is because any iterable may be coerced into an array. It is technically possible to implement varuint prefixes in a performant way only for actual arrays (or Sets) which can be coered to TypedArrays, however it might be confusing as it would need to be ignored in cases even when it could be specified by the user and would introduce more implementation complexity.

Buffers and arrays

A massive performance gain is achieved by copy-free buffer decoding. In other words, a buffer value is not copied out of the binary from which it is decoded; a DataView is created over the encoded binary and the DataView is returned. Decoding a 1024-byte buffer is 10x faster on the machine used to benchmark. The gains increase even more as the size of the buffer increases.

A similar performance gain is also used for arrays. The fast path is used for arrays of the following types:

  • int8
  • uint8
  • int16
  • uint16
  • int32
  • uint32
  • int64
  • uint64
  • float32
  • float64

Instead of copying the data from the buffer, a TypedArray is created over the encoded binary and returned instead. The same optimization is applied for encoding. This is roughly 1.5x faster for encoding and 50x faster for decoding a 1024-byte array on the machine used to benchmark. The gains increase even more as the size of the array increases.

NOTE: float64 arrays are padded with an extra 4 bytes after the length prefix to satisfy the required 8-byte alignment.


Q: Why did you call it crunches?
A: 'cuz you gotta crunch those flabby AB(ArrayBuffer)s!

Q: Why no TypeScript support?
A: Feel free to contribute typing!

Q: How fast is it, overall?
A: Benchmarks are generally dubious in my opinion, but the benchmark.js script included in the repository runs 50,000 iterations of both SchemaPack and crunches encoding and decoding a schema. SchemaPack validation is disabled, to be as fair as possible. On the machine used to benchmark, crunches runs consistently 2-4x faster than SchemaPack.