- Dynamic build (include `@flecks/react` into your fleck and watch it learn to compile JSX, even on the server side)
- Freedom to split up e.g. Redux applications into discrete slices while relying on flecks to automatically handle things like middleware, reducer composition, server/localStorage hydration, etc.
At its core, flecks is a collection of modules that use [hooks](packages/core/build/dox/concepts/hooks.md) to orchestrate everything from building your project to handling the minutia of what happens when your application starts, when a client connects, defining database models, and more.
> Define [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) containers to automatically come up next to your app. See [`@flecks/redis`'s implementation](packages/redis/src/containers.js). `@flecks/docker` also generates `Dockerfile` and `docker-compose.yml` and provides the [CLI command](https://github.com/cha0s/flecks/blob/gh-pages/hooks.md#fleckscorecommands) `flecks docker` for even more.
Flecks applications contain a `build` directory with a `flecks.yml` that defines the flecks use to compose the project, as well as build-time configuration.
Obviously, this doesn't do much on its own. It simply bootstraps flecks and runs a server application with no interesting work to do. It's just a jumping-off point.
![Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/298123/157753299-20264271-fd36-4f50-9b5c-8649bcd42f5a.png)
[Learn even more about the build directory](packages/core/build/dox/concepts/build.md).