diff --git a/build/docusaurus.config.js b/build/docusaurus.config.js
index 77ecfa2..60c5900 100644
--- a/build/docusaurus.config.js
+++ b/build/docusaurus.config.js
@@ -12,13 +12,17 @@ export default async function flecksDocusaurus() {
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config = {
- title: 'flecks',
- tagline: 'not static',
- favicon: 'flecks.png',
- url: 'https://cha0s.github.io',
baseUrl: '/flecks/',
+ favicon: 'flecks.png',
+ tagline: 'not static',
+ title: 'flecks',
+ url: 'https://cha0s.github.io',
+ markdown: {
+ mermaid: true,
+ },
organizationName: 'cha0s', // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
projectName: 'flecks', // Usually your repo name.
+ themes: ['@docusaurus/theme-mermaid'],
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 3a9141e..46e91a2 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -28,5 +28,8 @@
"@flecks/user": "*",
"@flecks/web": "*",
"lerna": "^7.4.2"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@docusaurus/theme-mermaid": "3.0.1"
diff --git a/website/docs/sockets.mdx b/website/docs/sockets.mdx
index 43da49e..b928db2 100644
--- a/website/docs/sockets.mdx
+++ b/website/docs/sockets.mdx
@@ -2,3 +2,351 @@
title: Sockets
description: Run a websocket server and define packets.
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+# Sockets
+flecks provides real-time socket connections through [Socket.IO](https://socket.io/docs/v4/).
+Packets are binary by default so they are small and fast.
+## Packets
+```javascript title="packages/example/src/index.js"
+import {Flecks} from '@flecks/core/server';
+export const hooks = {
+ '@flecks/socket.packets': Flecks.provide(require.context('./packets')),
+The simplest packet can be defined like so:
+```javascript title="packages/example/src/packets/slap.js"
+export default (flecks) => {
+ const {Packet} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
+ return class Slap extends Packet {};
+This transmits no packet data at all, only the packet ID. e.g., you just know you've been
+slapped, since it's a slap packet. You don't know why, how hard, etc.
+This is a **long-winded way** of sending a packet:
+const {Slap} = flecks.socket.Packets;
+socket.send(new Slap());
+but let's learn about **packet hydration** to make working with packets a lot easier.
+### Packet hydration
+Instead of getting the packet class and having to manually create a new packet to send every time,
+we can instead send a **dehydrated packet**:
+Notice that **a dehydrated packet is an array**. The first element of the array is the
+[gathered name](./gathering) of the packet.
+The second element is the `data` passed to the packet constructor. We'll see a couple more
+examples of sending dehydrated packets on this page to come.
+Dehydrated sending is *just better* and should always be preferred!
+### SchemaPack
+Packets may implement a static getter method `data` to define the schema with which to serialize the
+packet data. See [SchemaPack](https://github.com/phretaddin/schemapack)
+to learn more.
+#### Data types
+| Type Name | Bytes | Range of Values |
+| bool | 1 | `true` or `false` |
+| int8 | 1 | -128 to 127 |
+| uint8 | 1 | 0 to 255 |
+| int16 | 2 | -32,768 to 32,767 |
+| uint16 | 2 | 0 to 65,535 |
+| int32 | 4 | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
+| uint32 | 4 | 0 to 4,294,967,295 |
+| float32 | 4 | 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits) |
+| float64 | 8 | 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits) |
+| string | varuint length prefix followed by bytes of each character | Any string |
+| varuint | 1 byte when 0 to 127
2 bytes when 128 to 16,383
3 bytes when 16,384 to 2,097,151
4 bytes when 2,097,152 to 268,435,455
etc. | 0 to 2,147,483,647 |
+| varint | 1 byte when -64 to 63
2 bytes when -8,192 to 8,191
3 bytes when -1,048,576 to 1,048,575
4 bytes when -134,217,728 to 134,217,727
etc. | -1,073,741,824 to 1,073,741,823 |
+| buffer | varuint length prefix followed by bytes of buffer | Any buffer |
+### Packer
+`Packer` is a higher-order function that may be used to pack all or part of the packet data
+regardless of the schema (e.g. JSON). `Packer` uses
+[`msgpack-lite`](https://github.com/kawanet/msgpack-lite) to serialize the packet data.
+#### The entire packet
+```javascript title="packages/example/src/packets/anything.js"
+export default (flecks) => {
+ const {Packer, Packet} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
+ const decorator = Packer();
+ return class Anything extends decorator(Packet) {};
+socket.send(['Anything', {foo: 'bar', arbitrary: 'data'}]);
+#### A specific key
+```javascript title="packages/example/src/packets/anything-field.js"
+export default (flecks) => {
+ const {Packer, Packet} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
+ const decorator = Packer('document');
+ return class AnythingField extends decorator(Packet) {
+ // Notice that we may still define other data fields here.
+ static get data() {
+ return {
+ id: 'uint32',
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ 'AnythingField',
+ {
+ document: {whatever: 'you', want: 42},
+ id: 1234567,
+ },
+Packers ultimately pack to/from binary and are compiled down to the `buffer` data type in the
+### Bundles
+A bundle is a bunch of packets that get packed into a single packet. Before you ask, **yes**, you can
+create `Bundle`s of `Bundle`s of packets. They're recursive!
+const packets = [
+ ['Action', {type: 'SET', payload: 20}],
+ ['Bundle', [
+ ['Action', {type: 'ADD', payload: 23}],
+ ['Action', {type: 'ADD', payload: 26}],
+ ]],
+ // ...
+socket.send(['Bundle', packets]); // Nice.
+Bundles ultimately pack to/from binary and are compiled down to the `buffer` data type in the
+### Acceptors
+Packets are subject to acceptors which validate and respond to packets. Your packets may implement
+acceptor methods:
+#### `validate(packet, socket)`
+##### `packet`
+The packet being validated.
+##### `socket`
+The socket through which was sent the packet being validated.
+`validate` acceptor methods may throw `ValidationError`s which `@flecks/socket` provides:
+```javascript title="src/packets/some-packet.js"
+export default (flecks) => {
+ const {Packet, ValidationError} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
+ return class SomePacket extends Packet {
+ static async validate(packet, {req}) {
+ if (await req.checkSomething()) {
+ throw new ValidationError({code: 404, reason: 'no something found'});
+ }
+ }
+ };
+#### `respond(packet, socket)`
+##### `packet`
+The packet being responded to.
+##### `socket`
+The socket through which was sent the packet being responded to.
+The result from your `respond` acceptor method is serialized and transmitted and is ultimately the
+result of socket.send`:
+const result = await socket.send(['Whatever']);
+// result is whatever was returned from the `respond` acceptor method.
+#### Examples
+- The `@flecks/redux` client implements the following `respond` acceptor method:
+ ```javascript
+ static async respond(packet) {
+ flecks.redux.dispatch(packet.data);
+ }
+ ```
+ Whenever the client receives an `Action` packet, the action will be dispatched by
+ the redux store.
+- `@flecks/user` implements a `validate` acceptor method for the `Logout` packet:
+ ```javascript
+ static validate(packet, {req}) {
+ if (!req.user) {
+ throw new ValidationError({code: 400, reason: 'anonymous'});
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ If `req.user` doesn't exist, the packet fails validation.
+## Intercom
+flecks provides **intercom** as a way for your socket server nodes to communicate amongst
+themselves. Intercom is provided on a server socket at `socket.req.intercom` and has two
+### `type`
+The type of intercom call to make (e.g. `@flecks/user.users`).
+### `data`
+Arbitrary serializable data to send along with the intercom request.
+:::tip[Fun fact]
+Intercom can also be called from an implementation of `@flecks/web/server.request.socket` through
+### Motivation
+Suppose that we are running many game simulation nodes which each have many clients connected. The
+nodes are processing a large number of positions in real time. Clients connected to any
+node must be able to request a position even if it is simulated on another node. A client connected
+to a node may request a position `P`. A node may efficiently check if it simulates `P`.
+If the node that dispatches the request simulates the position, the response can be instant.
+Otherwise, the node must use **intercom** to ask the other nodes whether they simulate `P`:
+const responses = await socket.req.intercom('@simulation/position.request', P);
+This asks the other nodes if they simulate `P`. Nodes will respond either with `undefined` or `P`
+through their implementations of `@flecks/socket.intercom`:
+export const hooks = {
+ '@flecks/socket.intercom': async (P, {simulation}) => {
+ if (simulation.has(P)) {
+ return simulation.positionOf(P);
+ }
+ // return undefined is implied...
+ },
+Intercom **will** invoke the `@flecks/socket.intercom` implementation of the requesting node.
+ sequenceDiagram
+ actor Client
+ participant Node-1
+ participant Node-2
+ participant Node-3
+ participant Node-N
+ Note right of Client: Client makes a request for position(P)
+ Client->>Node-1: REQUEST: position(P)
+ alt has position(P)
+ Note left of Node-1: Has position: no intercom necessary.
+ Node-1->>Client: RESPONSE: {x, y, z}
+ else doesn't have position(P)
+ Note right of Node-1: Doesn't have position: intercom necessary.
+ Node-1->>Intercom: INTERCOM: @simulation/position.request(P)
+ par
+ Intercom-->>Node-1: INTERCOM: @simulation/position.request(P)
+ Node-1-xIntercom: RESPONSE: undefined
+ Note right of Node-1: Doesn't have position: undefined.
+ and
+ Intercom-->>Node-2: INTERCOM: @simulation/position.request(P)
+ Node-2-xIntercom: RESPONSE: {x, y, z}
+ Note right of Node-2: Has position: {x, y, z}.
+ and
+ Intercom-->>Node-N: INTERCOM: @simulation/position.request(P)
+ Node-N-xIntercom: RESPONSE: undefined
+ Note right of Node-N: Doesn't have position: undefined.
+ end
+ Note left of Intercom: Return all results as an array.
+ Intercom->>Node-1: RESPONSE: [undefined, {x, y, z}, undefined]
+ Note left of Node-1: Filter out and return the position from the results.
+ Node-1->>Client: RESPONSE: {x, y, z}
+ end
+## Default packets
+`@flecks/socket` provides some packets by default:
+### `Refresh`
+Sent to a client, refreshes the page.
+### `Redirect`
+Send a string which will be assigned to `window.location.href`.
+socket.send(['Redirect', '/']);
+See [the generated hooks page](./flecks/@flecks/dox/hooks#fleckssocketpackets) for an exhaustive list of packets.