--- title: Documentation website description: Document your project. --- import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; import ImageRow from '@site/helpers/image-row'; import InstallPackage from '@site/helpers/install-package'; import ThemedImage from '@theme/ThemedImage'; # Documentation website Ah, the most ~~boring~~ awesome part of development. flecks provides a fleck called `@flecks/dox` that helps you generate a documentation website for your project. In fact, this very website you're viewing now has been built with the same tooling! ## Install `@flecks/dox` To get started, install `@flecks/dox` in your project: Then, add it to your `build/flecks.yml`: ```yml '@flecks/core': {} // highlight-next-line '@flecks/dox': {} '@flecks/server': {} ``` ## Spin up a starter website Next, run: ```bash npx flecks docusaurus create ``` You should now have a starter configuration in `build/docusaurus.config.js` and a new directory in your project: `website`. See [the command documentation](/docs/cli#docusaurus) to discover more options. Now, start your documentation website's development server with: ``` npx flecks docusaurus start ``` You should now see a message similar to: ```bash [SUCCESS] Docusaurus website is running at: http://localhost:3000/ ``` Go and have a look! Not bad, huh? ## Building it out It's only a starter template, of course. You'll want to pop over to [the Docusaurus guides page](https://docusaurus.io/docs/category/guides) to build out your new website. Have fun! ## Production-ready When you're ready to build for production, just run ```bash npx flecks docusaurus build ``` After successfully building, your website files will be located at `dist/dox`.