const {mkdir, readFile, writeFile} = require('fs/promises'); const {join, relative, resolve} = require('path'); const { generateDocusaurus, generateJson, generateDocusaurusStyle, } = require('./generate'); const { FLECKS_CORE_ROOT = process.cwd(), } = process.env; module.exports = (program, flecks) => { const commands = {}; commands.dox = { description: 'Generate documentation', action: async (subcommand, outputPath, {rewriteFilenames = []}) => { let actualOutputPath = outputPath; if (!actualOutputPath) { switch (subcommand) { case 'docusaurus': actualOutputPath = 'website/docs/flecks'; break; case 'json': actualOutputPath = 'dist/dox'; break; default: break; } } actualOutputPath = resolve(FLECKS_CORE_ROOT, actualOutputPath); await mkdir(actualOutputPath, {recursive: true}); let output; const json = await generateJson(flecks); const pairs = rewriteFilenames .map((pair) => { const index = pair.indexOf('='); return [pair.slice(0, index), pair.slice(index + 1)]; }) .concat(flecks.get('@flecks/dox.rewriteFilenames')) .map(([from, to]) => [new RegExp(from, 'g'), to]); const rewrite = (array) => ( (object) => ({ ...object, filename: pairs.reduce( (filename, [from, to]) => filename.replace(from, to), object.filename, ), }), ) ); json.hooks = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(json.hooks) .map(([hook, {implementations, invocations, specification}]) => ( [ hook, { implementations: rewrite(implementations), invocations: rewrite(invocations), specification, }, ] )), ); json.todos = rewrite(json.todos); switch (subcommand) { case 'docusaurus': output = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(generateDocusaurus(json)) .map(([type, page]) => [`${type}.mdx`, page]), ); output['dox.module.css'] = await generateDocusaurusStyle(); break; case 'json': output = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(json) .map(([type, value]) => [`${type}.json`, JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)]), ); break; default: break; } await Promise.all( Object.entries(output) .map(([filename, output]) => ( writeFile(join(actualOutputPath, filename), output) )), ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log("Output documentation to '%s'", relative(FLECKS_CORE_ROOT, actualOutputPath)); }, args: [ program.createArgument('subcommand', 'Generation type') .choices(['docusaurus', 'json']), program.createArgument('[output path]', 'Where the files are output'), ], options: [ program.createOption('-r, --rewrite-filenames [pairs...]', 'rewrite filenames'), ], }; return commands; };