const { basename, dirname, extname, join, } = require('path'); const {parseFlecks} = require('./parser'); exports.generateDocusaurus = function generate({ 'build-files': buildFiles, config, hooks, todos, }) { return { 'build-files': exports.generateDocusaurusBuildFilesPage(buildFiles), config: exports.generateDocusaurusConfigPage(config), hooks: exports.generateDocusaurusHookPage(hooks), todos: exports.generateDocusaurusTodoPage(todos), }; }; exports.generateDocusaurusBuildFilesPage = (buildFiles) => { const source = []; source.push('---'); source.push('title: Build files'); source.push('description: All the build files in this project.'); source.push('---'); source.push(''); source.push('This page documents all the build configuration files in this project.'); source.push(''); if (buildFiles.length > 0) { buildFiles .sort(({filename: l}, {filename: r}) => (l < r ? -1 : 1)) .forEach(({filename, description}) => { source.push(`## \`${filename}\``); source.push(''); source.push(description); source.push(''); }); } return source.join('\n'); }; exports.generateDocusaurusConfigPage = (configs) => { const source = []; source.push('---'); source.push('title: Fleck configuration'); source.push('description: All the configurable flecks in this project.'); source.push('---'); source.push(''); source.push("import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';"); source.push(''); source.push("import styles from './dox.module.css';"); source.push(''); source.push(''); source.push(''); source.push('This page documents all configurable flecks in this project.'); source.push(''); Object.entries(configs) .sort(([l], [r]) => (l < r ? -1 : 1)) .forEach(([fleck, configs]) => { source.push(`## \`${fleck}\``); source.push(''); source.push(''); source.push(''); source.push(''); source.push(''); source.push(''); source.push(''); configs.forEach(({defaultValue, description, key}) => { // Leading and trailing empty cell to make table rendering easier. source.push(''); source.push(``); source.push(''); source.push(``); source.push(``); let code = defaultValue.replace(/`/g, '\\`'); // Multiline code. Fix indentation. if (defaultValue.includes('\n')) { const defaultValueLines = code.split('\n'); const [first,] = defaultValueLines; const indent = (rest[0].length - rest[0].trimStart().length) - 2; code = [first, => line.substring(indent))].join('\\n'); } source.push(``); source.push(''); }); source.push(''); source.push('
DescriptionNameDefault value
'); }); return source.join('\n'); }; exports.generateDocusaurusHookPage = (hooks) => { const source = []; source.push('---'); source.push('title: Hooks'); source.push('description: All the hooks in this project.'); source.push('---'); source.push(''); source.push("import styles from './dox.module.css';"); source.push(''); source.push('This page documents all the hooks in this project.'); source.push(''); Object.entries(hooks) .sort(([lhook], [rhook]) => (lhook < rhook ? -1 : 1)) .forEach(([hook, {implementations = [], invocations = [], specification}]) => { const {description, example, params} = specification || { params: [], }; source.push(`## \`${hook}\``); source.push(''); if (description) { source.push(...description.split('\n')); source.push(''); } if (example) { source.push('### Example usage'); source.push(''); source.push('```javascript'); source.push('export const hooks = {'); source.push(` '${hook}': ${example}`); source.push('};'); source.push('```'); source.push(''); } if (params.length > 0) { params.forEach(({description, name, type}) => { source.push(`### ${name}: ${type}`); source.push(''); source.push(`


`); source.push(''); }); source.push(''); } if (implementations.length > 0 || invocations.length > 0) { source.push('
'); if (implementations.length > 0) { source.push('
'); source.push('


'); implementations.forEach(({filename}) => { source.push(`
`); }); source.push('
'); } if (invocations.length > 0) { source.push('
'); source.push('


'); invocations.forEach(({filename, type}) => { source.push(`
(\`${type}\`) ${filename}
`); }); source.push('
'); } source.push('
'); } }); return source.join('\n'); }; exports.generateDocusaurusStyle = () => ` @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { .configBig { display: none; } } @media screen and (min-width: 641px) { .configSmall { display: none; } } tr.configSmall:first-child { display: none; } .configTable { display: table; table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; } .hooks > div { margin-bottom: var(--ifm-heading-margin-bottom); } .hooks > div code { background-color: transparent; white-space: nowrap; } @media screen and (min-width: 641px) { .hooks { display: flex; } .hooks > div:first-child { width: 50%; } .hooks > div:last-child { padding-left: var(--ifm-spacing-horizontal); width: 50%; } .hooks > div:only-child { padding-left: 0; width: 100%; } } `; exports.generateDocusaurusTodoPage = (todos) => { const source = []; source.push('---'); source.push('title: TODO list'); source.push('description: All the TODO items in this project.'); source.push('---'); source.push(''); source.push("import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';"); source.push(''); source.push('This page documents all the TODO items in this project.'); source.push(''); if (todos.length > 0) { todos.forEach(({ filename, context, description, }) => { source.push(filename); source.push(`> ## ${description}`); source.push(`> ${context}`); source.push(''); }); source.push(''); } return source.join('\n'); }; exports.generateJson = async function generate(flecks) { const parsed = await parseFlecks(flecks); const { buildFiles, config, hooks, todos, } = parsed .reduce( ( r, [ root, sources, ], ) => { const ensureHook = (hook) => { if (!r.hooks[hook]) { r.hooks[hook] = { implementations: [], invocations: [], specification: undefined, }; } }; sources.forEach( ( [ path, { buildFiles = [], config = [], hookImplementations = [], hookInvocations = [], hookSpecifications = [], todos = [], }, ], ) => { r.buildFiles.push(...buildFiles); r.todos.push( => ({ ...todo, filename: join(root, path), }))); if (config.length > 0) { let fleck = root; if ('build/flecks.bootstrap.js' !== path) { fleck = join(fleck, path.startsWith('src') ? path.slice(4) : path); fleck = join(dirname(fleck), basename(fleck, extname(fleck))); fleck = fleck.endsWith('/index') ? fleck.slice(0, -6) : fleck; } r.config[fleck] = config; } hookImplementations.forEach(({column, hook, line}) => { ensureHook(hook); r.hooks[hook].implementations.push({ filename: [join(root, path), line, column].join(':'), }); }); hookInvocations.forEach(({ column, hook, line, type, }) => { ensureHook(hook); r.hooks[hook].invocations.push({ filename: [join(root, path), line, column].join(':'), type, }); }); hookSpecifications.forEach(({ hook, description, example, params, }) => { ensureHook(hook); r.hooks[hook].specification = { description, example, params, }; }); }, ); return r; }, { buildFiles: [], config: {}, hooks: {}, todos: [], }, ); const sortedHooks = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(hooks) .map(([hook, {implementations, invocations, specification}]) => ( [ hook, { implementations: implementations .sort(({filename: l}, {filename: r}) => (l < r ? -1 : 1)), invocations: invocations .sort(({filename: l}, {filename: r}) => (l < r ? -1 : 1)), specification, }, ] )) .sort(([l], [r]) => (l < r ? -1 : 1)), ); Object.entries(sortedHooks) .forEach(([hook, {specification}]) => { if (!specification) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(`Warning: no specification for hook: '${hook}'`); } }); return { 'build-files': buildFiles, config, hooks: sortedHooks, todos, }; };