import traverse from '@babel/traverse'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {parseCode} from '@flecks/dox/build/parser'; import { buildFileVisitor, configVisitor, hookImplementationVisitor, hookInvocationVisitor, hookSpecificationVisitor, hookVisitor, todoVisitor, } from '@flecks/dox/build/visitors'; async function confirmVisited(code, visitor, test) { const visited = []; traverse( await parseCode(code), visitor((result) => { visited.push(result); }), ); test(visited); } function constHooksWrapper(code) { return ` export const hooks = { ${code} }; `; } function exportsHooksWrapper(code) { return ` exports.hooks = { ${code} }; `; } async function confirmVisitedWrapped(code, visitor, test) { await Promise.all( [constHooksWrapper, exportsHooksWrapper] .map(async (wrapper) => { const source = wrapper(code); await confirmVisited(source, visitor, test(source)); }), ); } it('parses hooks', async () => { await confirmVisitedWrapped( ` 'hello': () => {}, `, hookImplementationVisitor, () => (visited) => { expect(visited.length) .to.equal(1); expect(visited[0].key.value) .to.equal('hello'); }, ); }); it('visits hooks', async () => { await confirmVisitedWrapped( ` 'hello': () => {}, 'goodbye': () => {}, `, hookVisitor('hello'), () => (visited) => { expect(visited.length) .to.equal(1); expect(visited[0].key.value) .to.equal('hello'); }, ); }); function buildFileWrappers(code) { return [ ` '@flecks/build.files': () => ([ ${code} ]), `, ` '@flecks/build.files': () => { return [ ${code} ]; }, `, ` '@flecks/build.files': function f() { return [ ${code} ]; }, `, ]; } it('visits build files', async () => { await Promise.all( buildFileWrappers( ` /** * This is a description. * * It is on multiple lines. */ 'first.config.js', /** * This is another description. */ 'second.config.js', 'third.config.js', `, ) .map(async (wrapped) => { await confirmVisitedWrapped( wrapped, buildFileVisitor, () => (visited) => { expect(visited) .to.deep.equal([ { filename: 'first.config.js', description: 'This is a description.\n\nIt is on multiple lines.', }, { filename: 'second.config.js', description: 'This is another description.', }, { filename: 'third.config.js', description: undefined, }, ]); }, ); }), ); }); function configWrappers(code) { return [ ` '@flecks/core.config': () => ({ ${code} }), `, ` '@flecks/core.config': () => { return { ${code} }; }, `, ` '@flecks/core.config': function f() { return { ${code} }; }, `, ]; } it('visits config', async () => { await Promise.all( configWrappers( ` /** * Description. */ first: 'default', second: 1111, `, ) .map(async (wrapped) => { await confirmVisitedWrapped( wrapped, configVisitor, (source) => (visited) => { const expected = [ { key: 'first', description: 'Description.', }, { key: 'second', description: undefined, }, ]; visited.forEach((config, i) => { expect(config.key) .to.equal(expected[i].key); expect(config.description) .to.equal(expected[i].description); }); expect(source.slice(visited[0].location.start.index, visited[0].location.end.index)) .to.equal("'default'"); expect(source.slice(visited[1].location.start.index, visited[1].location.end.index)) .to.equal('1111'); }, ); }), ); }); it('visits hook invocations', async () => { await confirmVisited( ` flecks.invoke('sup'); flecks.invokeAsync('yep'); flecks.gather('stuff'); flecks.nope(); this.invoke('sup'); this.invokeAsync('yep'); this.gather('stuff'); this.nope(); `, hookInvocationVisitor, (visited) => { expect(visited.length) .to.equal(8); }, ); }); it('visits hook specifications', async () => { const f = '(one, two) => { return one + parseInt(two, 10); }'; await confirmVisitedWrapped( ` /** * This is a hook. * @param {number} one First. * @param {string} two Second. * @returns {number} Result. */ 'hook': ${f}, `, hookSpecificationVisitor, (source) => (visited) => { expect(visited.length) .to.equal(1); expect(visited[0].description) .to.equal('This is a hook.'); expect(visited[0].hook) .to.equal('hook'); expect(visited[0].returns) .to.deep.equal({description: 'Result.', type: 'number'}); expect(visited[0].params) .to.deep.equal([ {description: 'First.', name: 'one', type: 'number'}, {description: 'Second.', name: 'two', type: 'string'}, ]); expect(source.slice(visited[0].location.start.index, visited[0].location.end.index)) .to.equal(f); }, ); }); it('visits todos', async () => { const source = ` someStuff(); // @todo This should be a function. new OhYeah(); // @todo This is a really // long todo item. something(); `; await confirmVisited( source, todoVisitor, (visited) => { expect({description}) => description)) .to.deep.equal([ 'This should be a function.', 'This is a really long todo item.', ]); expect({location: {start, end}}) => (source.slice(start.index, end.index)))) .to.deep.equal([ 'new OhYeah();', 'something();', ]); }, ); });