// eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file import { basename, dirname, extname, join, } from 'path'; import D from 'debug'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import set from 'lodash.set'; import without from 'lodash.without'; import Middleware from './middleware'; const debug = D('@flecks/core/flecks'); export const ById = Symbol.for('@flecks/core/byId'); export const ByType = Symbol.for('@flecks/core/byType'); export const Hooks = Symbol.for('@flecks/core/hooks'); const capitalize = (string) => string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1); const camelCase = (string) => string.split(/[_-]/).map(capitalize).join(''); const hotGathered = new Map(); const wrapperClass = (Class, id, idAttribute, type, typeAttribute) => { class Subclass extends Class { static get [idAttribute]() { return id; } static get [typeAttribute]() { return type; } } return Subclass; }; export default class Flecks { constructor({ config = {}, flecks = {}, platforms = [], } = {}) { this.originalConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config)); this.config = { ...Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(flecks).map((path) => [path, {}])), ...config, }; this.hooks = {}; this.flecks = {}; this.platforms = platforms; const entries = Object.entries(flecks); debug('paths: %O', entries.map(([fleck]) => fleck)); for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { const [fleck, M] = entries[i]; this.registerFleck(fleck, M); } this.introduceConfig(); } static decorate( context, { transformer = camelCase, } = {}, ) { return (Gathered, flecks) => { context.keys() .forEach((path) => { const {default: M} = context(path); if ('function' !== typeof M) { throw new ReferenceError( `Flecks.decorate(): require(${ path }).default is not a function (from: ${ context.id })`, ); } const key = transformer(this.symbolizePath(path)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign Gathered[key] = M(Gathered[key], flecks); }); return Gathered; }; } expandedFlecks(hook) { const flecks = this.lookupFlecks(hook); let expanded = []; for (let i = 0; i < flecks.length; ++i) { const fleck = flecks[i]; expanded.push(fleck); for (let j = 0; j < this.platforms.length; ++j) { const platform = this.platforms[j]; const variant = join(fleck, platform); if (this.fleck(variant)) { expanded.push(variant); } } } const index = expanded.findIndex((fleck) => '...' === fleck); if (-1 !== index) { if (-1 !== expanded.slice(index + 1).findIndex((fleck) => '...' === fleck)) { throw new Error( `Illegal ordering specification: hook '${hook}' has multiple ellipses.`, ); } const before = expanded.slice(0, index); const after = expanded.slice(index + 1); const implementing = this.flecksImplementing(hook); const all = []; for (let i = 0; i < implementing.length; ++i) { const fleck = implementing[i]; all.push(fleck); for (let j = 0; j < this.platforms.length; ++j) { const platform = this.platforms[j]; const variant = join(fleck, platform); if (this.fleck(variant)) { all.push(variant); } } } const rest = without(all, ...before.concat(after)); expanded = [...before, ...rest, ...after]; } return expanded; } fleck(fleck) { return this.flecks[fleck]; } fleckImplements(fleck, hook) { return !!this.hooks[hook].find(({fleck: candidate}) => fleck === candidate); } flecksImplementing(hook) { return this.hooks[hook]?.map(({fleck}) => fleck) || []; } gather( hook, { idAttribute = 'id', typeAttribute = 'type', check = () => {}, } = {}, ) { if (!hook || 'string' !== typeof hook) { throw new TypeError('Flecks.gather(): Expects parameter 1 (hook) to be string'); } const raw = this.invokeReduce(hook); check(raw, hook); const decorated = this.invokeComposed(`${hook}.decorate`, raw); check(decorated, `${hook}.decorate`); let uid = 1; const ids = {}; const types = ( Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(decorated) .sort(([ltype], [rtype]) => (ltype < rtype ? -1 : 1)) .map(([type, Class]) => { const id = uid++; ids[id] = wrapperClass(Class, id, idAttribute, type, typeAttribute); return [type, ids[id]]; }), ) ); const gathered = { ...ids, ...types, [ById]: ids, [ByType]: types, }; hotGathered.set(hook, {idAttribute, gathered, typeAttribute}); debug("gathered '%s': %O", hook, gathered); return gathered; } get(path, defaultValue) { return get(this.config, path, defaultValue); } introduceConfig() { const defaultConfig = this.invoke('@flecks/core/config'); this.invokeFlat('@flecks/core/config/alter', defaultConfig); const flecks = Object.keys(defaultConfig); for (let i = 0; i < flecks.length; i++) { const fleck = flecks[i]; this.config[fleck] = { ...defaultConfig[fleck], ...this.config[fleck], }; } debug('config: %O', this.config); } invoke(hook, ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return []; } return this.flecksImplementing(hook) .reduce((r, fleck) => ({ ...r, [fleck]: this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck, ...args), }), {}); } invokeComposed(hook, arg, ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return arg; } const flecks = this.expandedFlecks(hook); if (0 === flecks.length) { return arg; } return flecks .filter((fleck) => this.fleckImplements(fleck, hook)) .reduce((r, fleck) => this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck, r, ...args), arg); } invokeFlat(hook, ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return []; } return this.hooks[hook].map(({fleck}) => this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck, ...args)); } invokeFleck(hook, fleck, ...args) { debug('invokeFleck(%s, %s, ...)', hook, fleck); if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return undefined; } const candidate = this.hooks[hook] .find(({fleck: candidate}) => candidate === fleck); if (!candidate) { return undefined; } return candidate.fn(...(args.concat(this))); } invokeParallel(hook, ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return []; } const flecks = this.flecksImplementing(hook); if (0 === flecks.length) { return []; } const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < flecks.length; ++i) { results.push(this.invokeFleck(hook, flecks[i], ...(args.concat(this)))); } return results; } invokeReduce(hook, initial = {}, reducer = (r, o) => ({...r, ...o}), ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return initial; } return this.hooks[hook] .reduce((r, {fleck}) => reducer(r, this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck, ...args)), initial); } async invokeReduceAsync(hook, initial = {}, reducer = (r, o) => ({...r, ...o}), ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return initial; } return this.hooks[hook] .reduce( async (r, {fleck}) => reducer(await r, await this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck, ...args)), initial, ); } invokeSequential(hook, ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return []; } const flecks = this.expandedFlecks(hook); if (0 === flecks.length) { return []; } const results = []; while (flecks.length > 0) { const fleck = flecks.shift(); if (this.fleckImplements(fleck, hook)) { results.push(this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck, ...args)); } } return results; } async invokeSequentialAsync(hook, ...args) { if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return []; } const flecks = this.expandedFlecks(hook); if (0 === flecks.length) { return []; } const results = []; while (flecks.length > 0) { const fleck = flecks.shift(); if (this.fleckImplements(fleck, hook)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop results.push(await this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck, ...args)); } } return results; } isOnPlatform(platform) { return -1 !== this.platforms.indexOf(platform); } lookupFlecks(hook) { const parts = hook.split('/'); const key = parts.pop(); return this.config[parts.join('/')]?.[key]?.concat() || []; } makeMiddleware(hook) { debug('makeMiddleware(...): %s', hook); if (!this.hooks[hook]) { return Promise.resolve(); } const flecks = this.expandedFlecks(hook); if (0 === flecks.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } const middleware = flecks .filter((fleck) => this.fleckImplements(fleck, hook)); debug('middleware: %O', middleware); const instance = new Middleware(middleware.map((fleck) => this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck))); return async (...args) => { const next = args.pop(); try { await instance.promise(...args); next(); } catch (error) { next(error); } }; } static provide( context, { transformer = camelCase, } = {}, ) { return (flecks) => ( Object.fromEntries( context.keys() .map((path) => { const {default: M} = context(path); if ('function' !== typeof M) { throw new ReferenceError( `Flecks.provide(): require(${ path }).default is not a function (from: ${ context.id })`, ); } return [ transformer(this.symbolizePath(path)), M(flecks), ]; }), ) ); } refresh(fleck, M) { debug('refreshing %s...', fleck); // Remove old hook implementations. const keys = Object.keys(this.hooks); for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { const key = keys[j]; if (this.hooks[key]) { const index = this.hooks[key].findIndex(({fleck: hookPlugin}) => hookPlugin === fleck); if (-1 !== index) { this.hooks[key].splice(index, 1); } } } // Replace the fleck. this.registerFleck(fleck, M); // Write config. const defaultConfig = this.invoke('@flecks/core/config'); this.config[fleck] = { ...defaultConfig[fleck], ...this.config[fleck], }; this.invokeFlat('@flecks/core/config/alter', this.config); // HMR. this.updateHotGathered(fleck); } registerFleck(fleck, M) { debug('registering %s...', fleck); this.flecks[fleck] = M; if (M.default) { const {default: {[Hooks]: hooks}} = M; if (hooks) { const keys = Object.keys(hooks); debug("hooks for '%s': %O", fleck, keys); for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { const key = keys[j]; if (!this.hooks[key]) { this.hooks[key] = []; } this.hooks[key].push({fleck, fn: hooks[key]}); } } } else { debug("'%s' has no default export: %O", fleck, M); } } set(path, value) { return set(this.config, path, value); } static symbolizePath(path) { const parts = dirname(path).split('/'); if ('.' === parts[0]) { parts.shift(); } if ('index' === parts[parts.length - 1]) { parts.pop(); } return join(parts.join('-'), basename(path, extname(path))); } async up(hook) { await Promise.all(this.invokeFlat('@flecks/core/starting')); await this.invokeSequentialAsync(hook); } updateHotGathered(fleck) { const it = hotGathered.entries(); for (let current = it.next(); current.done !== true; current = it.next()) { const { value: [ hook, { idAttribute, gathered, typeAttribute, }, ], } = current; const updates = this.invokeFleck(hook, fleck); if (updates) { debug('updating gathered %s from %s...', hook, fleck); const entries = Object.entries(updates); for (let i = 0, [type, Class] = entries[i]; i < entries.length; ++i) { const {[type]: {[idAttribute]: id}} = gathered; const Subclass = wrapperClass(Class, id, idAttribute, type, typeAttribute); // eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign gathered[type] = gathered[id] = gathered[ById][id] = gathered[ByType][type] = Subclass; this.invoke('@flecks/core/gathered/hmr', Subclass, hook); } } } } }