--- title: Configuration description: Configure `build/flecks.yml` and your application. --- import InstallPackage from '@site/helpers/install-package'; # Configuration You have a flecks application! ...but it doesn't do much. This is because a flecks application is composed of individual flecks and by default, your application will have only two flecks: `@flecks/core` and `@flecks/server`. Your `build/flecks.yml` file will look like this: ```yml '@flecks/core': {} '@flecks/server': {} ``` Each fleck may have configuration that can be set through `build/flecks.yml`. For a deep dive of configurable core flecks, see [the generated configuration page](/docs/flecks/@flecks/dox/config). ## `build/flecks.yml` A good first configuration step is to set the ID of your application. Your `build/flecks.yml` will look like this after you generate your application: ```yml '@flecks/core': {} '@flecks/server': {} ``` Your application's ID is configured at the `id` key of `@flecks/core`'s configuration. To set your application's ID to `hello_world`, update your `build/flecks.yml` to look like this: ```yml // highlight-start '@flecks/core': id: 'hello_world' // highlight-end '@flecks/server': {} ``` ## Adding more If you were studious enough to take a peek at [the generated configuration page](/docs/flecks/@flecks/dox/config) above, you may have noticed that there were a lot more flecks there than just the two in our application. For instance, there is a `@flecks/web` fleck that turns your little old server application into one that can build and serve a webpage. You can add it to your application in two steps. 1. Add the package to your project using your favorite package manager: 2. Add the fleck to your `build/flecks.yml`: ```yml '@flecks/core': id: 'hello_world' '@flecks/server': {} // highlight-next-line '@flecks/web': {} ``` Now, if you run `npm start`, you'll see a line in the output: ``` @flecks/web/server/http HTTP server up @! ``` ## Finally... a white page? If you visit `localhost:32340` in your browser, you should now see... a blank white page! Don't fret though; if you open the devtools in your browser, you will see a little messaging from your application that will look something like: ``` [webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled. [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS... flecks client v2.0.3 loading runtime... ``` This is a good sign! This means we successfully added a web server with HMR enabled by default. Oh, the possibilities... ## Proceed with the hooking How does flecks know to start the web server when the application starts? Great question! This is accomplished through the use of [hooks](#todo). Next, we'll learn how to create our own fleck and do a little hooking of our own. Take that, dad!