const {externals} = require('@flecks/build/src/server'); const D = require('@flecks/core/build/debug'); const debug = D('@flecks/server/build/runtime'); const {version} = require('../package.json'); module.exports = async (config, env, argv, flecks) => { const runtimePath = await flecks.resolver.resolve('@flecks/server/runtime'); // Inject flecks configuration. const paths = Object.keys(flecks.flecks); const resolvedPaths = (await Promise.all( (path) => [path, await flecks.resolver.resolve(path)]), )) .filter(([, resolved]) => resolved) .map(([path]) => path); const runtime = { config: JSON.stringify(flecks.config), loadFlecks: [ 'async () => (', ' Object.fromEntries(', ' (await Promise.all(', ' [', => [ ' (async () => {', ' try {', ` return ['${path}', await import('${path}')];`, ' }', ' catch (error) {', ' if (!error.message.startsWith("Cannot find module")) {', ' throw error;', ' }', ' }', ' })(),', ]).flat(), ' ],', ' ))', ' .filter((entry) => entry),', ' )', ')', ].join('\n'), version: JSON.stringify(version), ...await flecks.invokeAsync('@flecks/server.runtime'), }; const runtimeString = `{${ Object.entries(runtime) .map(([key, value]) => `"${key}": ${value}`).join(', ') }}`; const source = [ "process.env.FLECKS_CORE_BUILD_TARGET = 'server';", `module.exports = (async () => (${runtimeString}))();`, ]; // HMR. source.push('if ( {'); // Keep HMR junk out of our output path. source.push(' const {glob} = require("glob");'); source.push(' const {join} = require("path");'); source.push(' const {unlink} = require("fs/promises");'); source.push(' let previousHash = __webpack_hash__;'); source.push(' (status) => {'); source.push(' if ("idle" === status) {'); source.push(' const disposing = await glob('); source.push(` join('${config.output.path}', \`*\${previousHash}.hot-update.*\`),`); source.push(' );'); source.push(' await Promise.all( => unlink(filename)));'); source.push(' previousHash = __webpack_hash__;'); source.push(' }'); source.push(' });'); // Hooks for each fleck. resolvedPaths.forEach((path) => { source.push(`'${path}', async () => {`); source.push(` const M = require('${path}')`); source.push(' try {'); source.push(` global.flecks.invokeSequential('@flecks/core.hmr', '${path}', M);`); source.push(` global.flecks.refresh('${path}', M);`); source.push(' }'); source.push(' catch (error) {'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string source.push(' console.error(`HMR failed for fleck: ${error.message}`);'); source.push(';'); source.push(' }'); source.push(' });'); }); source.push('}'); // Create runtime. config.module.rules.push( { test: runtimePath, use: [ { loader: runtimePath, options: { source: source.join('\n'), }, }, ], }, ); const allowlist = [ '@flecks/server/entry', '@flecks/server/runtime', /^@babel\/runtime\/helpers\/esm/, ]; config.resolve.alias['@flecks/server/runtime$'] = runtimePath; Object.entries(flecks.resolver.aliases).forEach(([path, request]) => { debug('server runtime de-externalized %s, alias: %s', path, request); allowlist.push(new RegExp(`^${path}`)); }); // Stubs. flecks.stubs.forEach((stub) => { config.resolve.alias[stub] = false; }); await flecks.runtimeCompiler('server', config, env, argv); // Rewrite to signals for HMR. if ('production' !== argv.mode) { allowlist.push(/^webpack\/hot\/signal/); } // Externalize the rest. config.externals = await externals({ additionalModuleDirs: flecks.resolver.modules, allowlist, importType: 'commonjs', }); };