--- title: Database description: Define models and connect to a database. --- import Create from '@site/helpers/create'; import InstallPackage from '@site/helpers/install-package'; # Database flecks provides database connection through [Sequelize](https://sequelize.org/) and database server instances through either flat SQLite databases or [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)-ized database servers. ## Install and configure We'll start from scratch as an example. Create a new flecks application: Now in your new application directory, add `@flecks/db`: ```bash npx flecks add @flecks/db ``` Finally, `npm start` your application and you will see lines like the following in the logs: ``` @flecks/db/server/connection config: { dialect: 'sqlite', storage: ':memory:' } +0ms @flecks/db/server/connection synchronizing... +107ms @flecks/db/server/connection synchronized +2ms ``` By default, flecks will connect to an in-memory SQLite database to get you started instantly. ## Your models Astute observers may have noticed a line preceding the ones earlier: ``` @flecks/core/flecks gathered '@flecks/db/server.models': [] +0ms ``` Let's create a fleck that makes a model so we can get a feel for how it works. First, create a fleck in your application: Now, let's hop into `packages/tags/src/index.js` and add a hook implementation: ```javascript title="packages/tags/src/index.js" export const hooks = { '@flecks/db/server.models': (flecks) => { const {Model, Types} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/db/server'); class Tags extends Model { static get attributes() { return { key: { type: Types.STRING, allowNull: false, }, value: { type: Types.STRING, allowNull: false, }, }; } }; return { Tags, }; }, } ``` :::tip `@flecks/db` uses [Sequelize](https://sequelize.org/) under the hood. You can dive into [their documentation](https://sequelize.org/docs/v6/getting-started/) to learn even more. The static `attributes` method above is sugar on top of [`sequelize.define`](https://sequelize.org/docs/v6/core-concepts/model-basics/#using-sequelizedefine) and you should consult that documentation for more details on how to define and validate your models. To implement associations between models, there is a static `associate` method. Suppose you also had a `Post` model along with your `Tags` model. You might do something like this in your `Tags` model: ``` static associate({Post}) { Post.hasMany(this); this.hasMany(Post); } ``` ::: Now, `npm start` your application and you will see that line looks different: ``` @flecks/core/flecks gathered '@flecks/db/server.models': [ 'Tags' ] +0ms ``` Our model is recognized! ## Gathering models When building Real:tm: applications we are usually going to need a bunch of models. If we add all of them into that one single file, things are going to start getting unwieldy. Let's create a `src/models` directory in our `packages/tags` fleck and add a `tags.js` source file with the following code: ```javascript title="packages/tags/src/models/tags.js" export default (flecks) => { const {Model, Types} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/db/server'); return class Tags extends Model { static get attributes() { return { key: { type: Types.STRING, allowNull: false, }, value: { type: Types.STRING, allowNull: false, }, }; } }; } ``` Notice that this looks very similar to how we defined the model above, but this time we're only returning the class. Now, hop over to `packages/tags/src/index.js` and let's rewrite the hook implementation: ```javascript title="packages/tags/src/index.js" export const hooks = { '@flecks/db/server.models': Flecks.provide(require.context('./models')), } ``` We're passing the path to our models directory to `require.context` which is then passed to `Flecks.provide`. This is completely equivalent to our original code, but now we can add more models by adding individual files in `packages/tags/src/models` and keep things tidy. :::info For a more detailed treatment of gathering in flecks, see [the gathering guide](#todo). ::: ## Working with models Let's do something with it. Edit `packages/tags/src/index.js` again like so: ```javascript title="packages/tags/src/index.js" export const hooks = { // highlight-start '@flecks/server.up': async (flecks) => { const {Tags} = flecks.get('$flecks/db.models'); console.log('There were', await Tags.count(), 'tags.'); }, // highlight-end '@flecks/db/server.models': Flecks.provide(require.context('./models')), } ``` Now, another `npm start` will greet us with this line in the output: ``` There were 0 tags. ``` Not very interesting. Let's add some, but only if there aren't any tags yet: ```javascript title="packages/tags/src/index.js" export const hooks = { '@flecks/server.up': async (flecks) => { const {Tags} = flecks.get('$flecks/db.models'); console.log('There were', await Tags.count(), 'tags.'); // highlight-start if (0 === await Tags.count()) { await Tags.create({key: 'foo', value: 'bar'}); await Tags.create({key: 'another', value: 'thing'}); } console.log('There are', await Tags.count(), 'tags.'); // highlight-end }, '@flecks/db/server.models': Flecks.provide(require.context('./models')), } ``` Another `npm start` and we see the tags created! ## Persistence You'll notice that if you run it again, it will always say ``` There were 0 tags. There are 2 tags. ``` What's up with that? Remember in the beginning: > By default, flecks will connect to an in-memory SQLite database to get you started instantly. This means that the database will only persist as long as the life of your application. When you restart it, you'll get a fresh new database every time. Obviously, this isn't very helpful for any real purpose. Let's make a change to our `build/flecks.yml`: ```yml title="build/flecks.yml" '@db_test/tags:./packages/tags': {} '@flecks/core': {} '@flecks/db': {} // highlight-start '@flecks/db/server': database: './persistent.sql' // highlight-end '@flecks/server': {} ``` Now `npm start` again. You'll see our old familiar message: ``` There were 0 tags. There are 2 tags. ``` This time though, our application wrote the SQLite database to disk at `./persistent.sql`. If we give it one more go, we'll finally see what we expect: ``` There were 2 tags. There are 2 tags. ``` A persistent database! ## Containerization Sure, our database is persistent... kinda. That `persistent.sql` file is a bit of a kludge and isn't much of a long-term (or production) solution. Let's remove it: ``` rm persistent.sql ``` Our small-core philosophy means that you don't pay for spinning up a database by default. However, it's trivial to accomplish a *"real"* database connection if you have Docker installed on your machine.
How do I know if I have Docker running on my machine? A decent way to test if your machine is ready to continue with this guide is to run the following command: `docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres` if the command appears to spin up a database, you're in good shape! If not, follow the [Docker installation documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) before proceeding.
Let's add another fleck to our project: Configure `build/flecks.yml`: ```yml title="build/flecks.yml" '@db_test/tags:./packages/tags': {} '@flecks/core': {} '@flecks/db': {} // highlight-start '@flecks/db/server': database: db dialect: postgres password: THIS_PASSWORD_IS_UNSAFE username: postgres '@flecks/docker': {} '@flecks/server': up: - '@flecks/docker' - '@flecks/db' - '@db_test/tags' // highlight-end ``` Notice that we configured `@flecks/server.up` to make sure to enforce a specific order in which our server flecks come up: first `@flecks/docker` to spin up the database, then `@flecks/db` to connect to the database, and finally our `@db_test/tags` fleck to interact with the database. This is important! Now `npm start` will reveal the following message in the logs: ``` @flecks/server/entry Error: Please install pg package manually ``` Pretty straightforward how to proceed: Remember, **small core**! :smile: Now `npm start` again and you will see some new lines in the logs: ``` @flecks/docker/container creating datadir '/tmp/flecks/flecks/docker/sequelize' +0ms @flecks/docker/container launching: docker run --name flecks_sequelize -d --rm -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=THIS_PASSWORD_IS_UNSAFE -v /tmp/flecks/flecks/docker/sequelize:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres +0ms @flecks/docker/container 'sequelize' started +372ms @flecks/db/server/connection config: { database: 'db', dialect: 'postgres', host: undefined, password: '*** REDACTED ***', port: undefined, username: 'postgres' } +0ms @flecks/db/server/connection synchronizing... +2s @flecks/db/server/connection synchronized +3ms ``` and of course, we see: ``` There were 0 tags. There are 2 tags. ``` because we just created a new postgres database from scratch just then! Kill the application and run `npm start` one more time and then you will see what you expect: ``` There were 2 tags. There are 2 tags. ``` Awesome, we have a connection to a real postgres database!
Where is the docker container? You may notice that the first time you start your application there is a delay while Docker spins up your new database server. This is normal. You may have also noticed that subsequent runs speed up to near-instantaneous. This is also normal! `@flecks/docker` runs your container in a manner that outlives your application. If you kill your application and then run: ``` docker ps ``` You will see a line for your postgres database looking something like: ``` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp flecks_sequelize ``` You'll see under the `NAMES` column heading, there is an entry called `flecks_sequelize`. That's our database! You can always ``` docker kill flecks_sequelize ``` to free up any resources being used. flecks keeps the containers running so that you get a nice fast application start. :::note The container name is based off of `@flecks/core.id` which by default is `flecks`. If you change your application's ID, the container name will be different. :::
## Production Sure, spinning up a database like magic is spiffy for development, but you probably want to be a little less freewheeling on your production server. Build the application we've built so far: ``` npm run build ``` Then, take a look in the `dist` directory. You'll see a file there called `docker-compose.yml`. `@flecks/docker` automatically emits this file when you build your application for production to make container orchestration easier. Let's take a look: ```yml title="dist/docker-compose.yml" version: '3' services: flecks_app: build: context: .. dockerfile: dist/Dockerfile environment: FLECKS_ENV__flecks_docker_server__enabled: 'false' // highlight-next-line FLECKS_ENV__flecks_db_server__host: sequelize volumes: - ../node_modules:/var/www/node_modules // highlight-start sequelize: image: postgres environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_DB: db POSTGRES_PASSWORD: THIS_PASSWORD_IS_UNSAFE // highlight-end ``` Notice our database container is included and already prepopulated with the configuration we specified! You can run (after you [install Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) if necessary): ``` docker-compose -f dist/docker-compose.yml up ``` This demonstrates that your application is now being orchestrated by Docker Compose and is chugging right along!