2024-01-04 15:51:19 -06:00

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title: Command-line interface
description: Use built-in commands and write your own.
import Create from '@site/helpers/create';
# Command-line interface
flecks has a command-line interface for building, linting, testing, and so much more.
## Built-in commands
### `add`
Add a fleck to your application.
Usage: flecks add [options] <fleck>
fleck fleck
### `build`
Build a target in your application.
Usage: flecks build [options] [target]
target target (choices: "...")
-d, --no-production dev build
-h, --hot build with hot module reloading
-w, --watch watch for changes
### `lint`
Run linter.
Usage: flecks lint [options]
### `docusaurus`
(Implemented by `@flecks/dox`)
Create a documentation website for this project.
Usage: flecks docusaurus [options] <subcommand> [siteDir]
subcommand Docusaurus command to run (choices: "build", "create", "start")
siteDir Docusaurus directory (default: "website")
The `build` and `start` subcommands are sugar on top of the corresponding Docusaurus commands.
The `create` subcommand will create a documentation website starter template for you at `siteDir`
if `siteDir` doesn't already exist (defaults to `website`). A `docusaurus.config.js`
starter configuration will also be copied to your `build` directory if it doesn't already exist.
## Your commands
You can implement your own command by implementing
[`@flecks/core.commands`](/docs/flecks/@flecks/dox/hooks#fleckscorecommands) in your fleck. Let's
run through the process.
### Implement <code>@flecks/core&#8203;.commands</code>
First, create an application:
<Create type="app" pkg="cli_test" />
Move into the new project and create a fleck:
npx create-fleck fortune
We're going to be creating a fortune teller command that will tell you when you will find love.
### Create a command that takes an option
Now, edit `packages/fortune/src/index.js` to look like this:
export const hooks = {
'@flecks/core.commands': () => ({
fortune: {
options: [
['-n, --be-nice', 'be nice'],
description: 'find your true love',
action: async ({beNice}) => {
console.log(`It will be ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 2} days until you meet your true love!`);
if (!beNice) {
console.log('You might also stub your toe.');
### Inspect and invoke your command
Now, invoke flecks like so:
npx flecks --help
You will see among the commands listed:
fortune [options] find your true love
Run the command with the `--help` option:
npx flecks fortune --help
You will see this output:
Usage: flecks fortune [options]
find your true love
-n, --be-nice be nice
Let's try it!
npx flecks fortune --be-nice
You will see something like:
It will be 11 days until you meet your true love!
How about without our option:
npx flecks fortune
You will see something like:
It will be 7 days until you meet your true love!
You might also stub your toe.
### Define arguments
You can also define arguments in addition to options. Let's add an argument that takes the user's
name to personalize the output:
export const hooks = {
// highlight-start
'@flecks/core.commands': (program, flecks) => {
const {Argument} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/core/server');
return {
// highlight-end
fortune: {
// highlight-start
args: [
new Argument('[name]', 'your name')
// highlight-end
options: [
['-n, --be-nice', 'be nice'],
description: 'find your true love',
// highlight-next-line
action: async (name = 'person', {beNice}) => {
// highlight-next-line
console.log(`Hey, ${name}. It will be ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 2} days until you meet your true love!`);
if (!beNice) {
console.log('You might also stub your toe.');
// highlight-start
// highlight-end
Notice that we added the argument to... the arguments.
Try it again:
npx flecks fortune --be-nice
You will see e.g.:
Hey, person. It will be 7 days until you meet your true love!
That's because we set the default name to `'person'` in the code above. Let's try passing in a
npx flecks fortune cha0s
Now the output looks like:
Hey, cha0s. It will be 4 days until you meet your true love!
You might also stub your toe.
### Going further
flecks uses [Commander.js](https://github.com/tj/commander.js#quick-start) under the hood to build its CLI.
It might be worth checking out their documentation for any more advanced usage.