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title: Adding flecks
description: Add flecks to your application to extend its functionality.
# Adding flecks
`@flecks/web` is a fleck that builds and serves a webpage. You can add it to your application
using the CLI:
npx flecks add @flecks/web
Now, if you run `npm start`, you'll see a line in the output:
@flecks/web/server/http HTTP server up @!
## Finally... a white page?
If you visit `localhost:32340` in your browser, you should now see... a blank white page! Don't fret
though; if you open the devtools in your browser, you will see a little messaging from your
application that will look something like:
[webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.
[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
flecks client v2.0.3 loading runtime...
This is a good sign! This means we successfully added a web server with HMR enabled by default.
Oh, the possibilities...
## Proceed with the hooking
Let's make our fleck `say-hello` hook into `@flecks/web` client to do something when the client
comes up (e.g. the browser loads the page).
```javascript title="packages/say-hello/src/index.js"
export const hooks = {
// highlight-start
'@flecks/web/client.up': async () => {
window.document.body.append('hello world');
// highlight-end
'@flecks/server.up': async (flecks) => {
const {id} = flecks.get('@flecks/core');
process.stdout.write(` hello server: ID ${id}\n`);
Now, restart your application and refresh your website. Glorious, isn't it?
![An image of our simple hello world application running inside a Chromium browser window](./flecks-web.png)
## Everything so far... plus Electron!
Let's add another core fleck. flecks ships with a core fleck `@flecks/electron`. This runs your
application inside of an instance of [Electron](https://www.electronjs.org/). You'll add the fleck:
npx flecks add @flecks/electron
Finally `npm start` and you will see something like this:
![An image of our simple hello world application running inside an Electron window](./flecks-electron.png)
Isn't it beautiful? :relieved: