// Node. import msgpack from 'msgpack-lite'; import {performance} from 'perf_hooks'; // 3rd party. // 2nd party. import {InputPacket} from '@avocado/input'; import {World} from '@avocado/physics/matter/world'; import {Synchronizer} from '@avocado/state'; import {Ticker} from '@avocado/timing'; import {Room} from '@avocado/topdown'; // 1st party. import {SelfEntityPacket} from '../common/packets/self-entity.packet'; import {WorldTime} from '../common/world-time'; import {createEntityForConnection} from './create-entity-for-connection'; // Create game. export default class Game { constructor() { const config = this.readConfig(); // Room. this.room = undefined; Room.load('/kitty-fire.room.json').then((room) => { room.world = new World(); room.world.stepTime = config.simulationInterval; this.synchronizer.addChild(room); this.room = room; }); // World time. Start at 10 am for testing. this.worldTime = new WorldTime(); this.worldTime.hour = 10; // Entity tracking. this.informables = []; // State synchronization. this.synchronizer = new Synchronizer([ this.worldTime, ]); this.informTicker = new Ticker(config.informInterval); this.informTicker.on('tick', this.inform, this); // Simulation. this.mainLoopHandle = setInterval( this.createMainLoop(), 1000 * config.simulationInterval ); } destroy(fn) { clearInterval(this.mainLoopHandle); if (this.room) { this.room.destroy(); } fn(); } acceptConnection(socket) { // Create and track a new entity for the connection. const entity = createEntityForConnection(socket); // Track informables. this.informables.push(entity); entity.on('destroyed', () => { const index = this.informables.indexOf(entity); if (-1 !== index) { this.informables.splice(index, 1); } }); // Add entity to room. if (this.room) { this.room.addEntityToLayer(entity, 0); } // Initial information. const packets = this.synchronizer.packetsForUpdate(true); packets.unshift(new SelfEntityPacket(entity.numericUid)); entity.inform(packets); // Listen for events. socket.on('packet', this.createPacketListener(socket)); socket.on('disconnect', this.createDisconnectionListener(socket)); } createDisconnectionListener(socket) { const {entity} = socket; return () => { if (entity.is('existent')) { entity.destroy(); } }; } createMainLoop() { let lastTime = performance.now(); return () => { const now = performance.now(); const elapsed = (now - lastTime) / 1000; lastTime = now; // Tick synchronized. if (this.room) { this.room.tick(elapsed); } this.worldTime.tick(elapsed); // Tick informer. this.informTicker.tick(elapsed); } } createPacketListener(socket) { const {entity} = socket; return (packet) => { if (packet instanceof InputPacket) { entity.inputState = packet.toState(); } }; } inform() { const packets = this.synchronizer.packetsForUpdate(); // Inform entities of the new state. for (let i = 0; i < this.informables.length; ++i) { const entity = this.informables[i]; entity.inform(packets); } } readConfig() { return { informInterval: 1 / 60, simulationInterval: 1 / 60, }; } }