import {expect, test} from 'vitest'; import Arbitrary from './arbitrary.js'; import Ecs from './ecs.js'; import Schema from './schema.js'; import System from './system.js'; function wrapSpecification(name, specification) { return class Component extends Arbitrary { static name = name; static schema = new Schema({ type: 'object', properties: specification, }); }; } const Empty = wrapSpecification('Empty', {}); const Name = wrapSpecification('Name', { name: {type: 'string'}, }); const Position = wrapSpecification('Position', { x: {type: 'int32', defaultValue: 32}, y: {type: 'int32'}, z: {type: 'int32'}, }); test('activates and deactivates systems at runtime', () => { let oneCount = 0; let twoCount = 0; const ecs = new Ecs({ Systems: { OneSystem: class extends System { tick() { oneCount += 1; } }, TwoSystem: class extends System { tick() { twoCount += 1; } }, }, }); ecs.tick(); expect(oneCount) .to.equal(0); expect(twoCount) .to.equal(0); ecs.system('OneSystem').active = true; ecs.tick(); expect(oneCount) .to.equal(1); ecs.system('TwoSystem').active = true; ecs.tick(); expect(oneCount) .to.equal(2); expect(twoCount) .to.equal(1); ecs.system('OneSystem').active = false; ecs.tick(); expect(oneCount) .to.equal(2); expect(twoCount) .to.equal(2); }); test('creates entities with components', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Position}}); const entity = ecs.create({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}}); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity))) .to.deep.equal(JSON.stringify({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}})); }); test("removes entities' components", () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Position}}); const entity = ecs.create({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}}); ecs.remove(entity, ['Position']); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity))) .to.deep.equal(JSON.stringify({Empty: {}})); }); test('gets entities', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Position}}); const entity = ecs.create({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}}); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity))) .to.deep.equal(JSON.stringify({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}})); }); test('destroys entities', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Position}}); const entity = ecs.create({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}}); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity))) .to.deep.equal(JSON.stringify({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}})); expect(ecs.get(entity)); ecs.destroyAll(); expect(ecs.get(entity)); expect(() => { ecs.destroy(entity); }) .to.throw(); }); test('inserts components into entities', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Position}}); const entity = ecs.create({Empty: {}}); ecs.insert(entity, {Position: {y: 128}}); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity))) .to.deep.equal(JSON.stringify({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 128}})); ecs.insert(entity, {Position: {y: 64}}); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity))) .to.deep.equal(JSON.stringify({Empty: {}, Position: {y: 64}})); }); test('ticks systems', () => { const Momentum = wrapSpecification('Momentum', { x: {type: 'int32'}, y: {type: 'int32'}, z: {type: 'int32'}, }); const ecs = new Ecs({ Components: {Momentum, Position}, Systems: { Physics: class Physics extends System { static queries() { return { default: ['Position', 'Momentum'], }; } tick(elapsed) { for (const [position, momentum] of'default')) { position.x += momentum.x * elapsed; position.y += momentum.y * elapsed; position.z += momentum.z * elapsed; } } }, }, }); ecs.system('Physics').active = true; const entity = ecs.create({Momentum: {}, Position: {y: 128}}); const position = JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity).Position); ecs.tick(1); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity).Position)) .to.deep.equal(position); ecs.get(1).Momentum.y = 30; ecs.tick(1); expect(JSON.stringify(ecs.get(entity).Position)) .to.deep.equal(JSON.stringify({y: 128 + 30})); }); test('creates many entities when ticking systems', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({ Systems: { Spawn: class extends System { tick() { this.createManyEntities(Array.from({length: 5}).map(() => [])); } }, }, }); ecs.system('Spawn').active = true; ecs.create(); expect(ecs.get(5)); ecs.tick(1); expect(ecs.get(5)); }); test('creates entities when ticking systems', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({ Systems: { Spawn: class extends System { tick() { this.createEntity(); } }, }, }); ecs.system('Spawn').active = true; ecs.create(); expect(ecs.get(2)); ecs.tick(1); expect(ecs.get(2)); }); test('schedules entities to be deleted when ticking systems', () => { let entity; const ecs = new Ecs({ Systems: { Despawn: class extends System { finalize() { entity = ecs.get(1); } tick() { this.destroyEntity(1); } }, }, }); ecs.system('Despawn').active = true; ecs.create(); ecs.tick(1); expect(entity); expect(ecs.get(1)); }); test('adds components to and remove components from entities when ticking systems', () => { let addLength, removeLength; const ecs = new Ecs({ Components: {Foo: wrapSpecification('Foo', {bar: {type: 'uint8'}})}, Systems: { AddComponent: class extends System { static queries() { return { default: ['Foo'], }; } tick() { this.insertComponents(1, {Foo: {}}); } finalize() { addLength = Array.from('default')).length; } }, RemoveComponent: class extends System { static queries() { return { default: ['Foo'], }; } tick() { this.removeComponents(1, ['Foo']); } finalize() { removeLength = Array.from('default')).length; } }, }, }); ecs.system('AddComponent').active = true; ecs.create(); ecs.tick(1); expect(addLength) .to.equal(1); expect(ecs.get(1).Foo); ecs.system('AddComponent').active = false; ecs.system('RemoveComponent').active = true; ecs.tick(1); expect(removeLength) .to.equal(0); expect(ecs.get(1).Foo); }); test('generates coalesced diffs for entity creation', () => { const ecs = new Ecs(); let entity; entity = ecs.create(); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {}}); }); test('generates diffs for adding and removing components', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Position}}); let entity; entity = ecs.create(); ecs.setClean(); ecs.insert(entity, {Position: {x: 64}}); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Position: {x: 64}}}); ecs.setClean(); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({}); ecs.remove(entity, ['Position']); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Position: false}}); }); test('generates diffs for empty components', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty}}); let entity; entity = ecs.create({Empty: {}}); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Empty: {}}}); ecs.setClean(); ecs.remove(entity, ['Empty']); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Empty: false}}); }); test('generates diffs for entity mutations', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Position}}); let entity; entity = ecs.create({Position: {}}); ecs.setClean(); ecs.get(entity).Position.x = 128; expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Position: {x: 128}}}); ecs.setClean(); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({}); }); test('generates coalesced diffs for components', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Position}}); let entity; entity = ecs.create({Position}); ecs.remove(entity, ['Position']); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Position: false}}); ecs.insert(entity, {Position: {}}); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Position: {}}}); }); test('generates coalesced diffs for mutations', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Position}}); let entity; entity = ecs.create({Position}); ecs.setClean(); ecs.get(entity).Position.x = 128; ecs.get(entity).Position.x = 256; ecs.get(entity).Position.x = 512; expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: {Position: {x: 512}}}); }); test('generates diffs for deletions', () => { const ecs = new Ecs(); let entity; entity = ecs.create(); ecs.setClean(); ecs.destroy(entity); expect(ecs.diff) .to.deep.equal({[entity]: false}); }); test('applies creation patches', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Position}}); ecs.apply({16: {Position: {x: 64}}}); expect(Array.from(ecs.entities).length) .to.equal(1); expect(ecs.get(16).Position.x) .to.equal(64); }); test('applies update patches', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Position}}); ecs.createSpecific(16, {Position: {x: 64}}); ecs.apply({16: {Position: {x: 128}}}); expect(Array.from(ecs.entities).length) .to.equal(1); expect(ecs.get(16).Position.x) .to.equal(128); }); test('applies entity deletion patches', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Position}}); ecs.createSpecific(16, {Position: {x: 64}}); ecs.apply({16: false}); expect(Array.from(ecs.entities).length) .to.equal(0); }); test('applies component deletion patches', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Position}}); ecs.createSpecific(16, {Empty: {}, Position: {x: 64}}); expect(ecs.get(16).constructor.componentNames) .to.deep.equal(['Empty', 'Position']); ecs.apply({16: {Empty: false}}); expect(ecs.get(16).constructor.componentNames) .to.deep.equal(['Position']); }); test('calculates entity size', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Position}}); ecs.createSpecific(1, {Empty: {}, Position: {}}); // ID + # of components + Empty + Position + x + y + z // 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 30 expect(ecs.get(1).size()) .to.equal(30); }); test('serializes and deserializes', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Name, Position}}); ecs.createSpecific(1, {Empty: {}, Position: {x: 64}}); ecs.createSpecific(16, {Name: {name: 'foobar'}, Position: {x: 128}}); expect(ecs.toJSON()) .to.deep.equal({ entities: { 1: {Empty: {}, Position: {x: 64}}, 16: {Name: {name: 'foobar'}, Position: {x: 128}}, }, systems: [], }); const view = Ecs.serialize(ecs); const deserialized = Ecs.deserialize( new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Name, Position}}), view, ); expect(Array.from(deserialized.entities).length) .to.equal(2); expect(deserialized.get(1).constructor.componentNames) .to.deep.equal(['Empty', 'Position']); expect(deserialized.get(16).constructor.componentNames) .to.deep.equal(['Name', 'Position']); expect(JSON.stringify(deserialized.get(1))) .to.equal(JSON.stringify({Empty: {}, Position: {x: 64}})) expect(JSON.stringify(deserialized.get(1).Position)) .to.equal(JSON.stringify({x: 64})); expect(JSON.stringify(deserialized.get(16).Position)) .to.equal(JSON.stringify({x: 128})); expect(deserialized.get(16) .to.equal('foobar'); }); test('deserializes from compatible ECS', () => { const ecs = new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Name, Position}}); ecs.createSpecific(1, {Empty: {}, Position: {x: 64}}); ecs.createSpecific(16, {Name: {name: 'foobar'}, Position: {x: 128}}); const view = Ecs.serialize(ecs); const deserialized = Ecs.deserialize( new Ecs({Components: {Empty, Name}}), view, ); expect(deserialized.get(1).toJSON()) .to.deep.equal({Empty: {}}); expect(deserialized.get(16).toJSON()) .to.deep.equal({Name: {name: 'foobar'}}); });